‘It was only after the Mexican War of Independence that the Indian fountain sprang forth. Only after the Spanish crown was expelled did the zeitgeist of Mexican art look to its ancient past with overdue awe. Ever since, painters, writers, and architects have drawn inspiration from this bloodline. Mexican modernism and muralism both took the pre-Hispanic undercurrent and blended it with the sensibility of their time, in the pursuit of national identity. From a vein out of this river emerged Agustín Hernández’.
—Tezontle Studio & Luis Orozco Madero
Praxis, Agustín Hernández is the fourth book in a series devoted to some of our favorite architects, the houses they build, and the stories behind them.
Born in 1924, Agustín Hernández came of age as an architect in Mexico as modernist ideas coalesced with a renewed pride in the country’s past. He was a frontrunner in combining the symbols, myths, and urban planning principles of pre-Columbian civilizations to create imposing architectural monuments that even today retain their avant-garde nature—from the military academy he built as a modern-day Mayan ceremonial ground to the remote meditation center commissioned by his sister, based on the symbolism of the snake, and the studio-home that he built for himself in 1975: Praxis, a geometric treehouse that still towers over the Bosques de las Lomas neighborhood of Mexico City.
Original photography by Ryan Lowry. Texts by Tezontle Studio & Luis Orozco Madero, Carlota Pérez-Jofre, and Enrique Giner de los Ríos.
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APARTAMENTO Magazine è la rivista indipendente di interni più stimolante e influente dei nostri giorni. Dal 2008 racconta in modo intimo e onesto le case e le vite di persone creative affermate e emergenti, attraverso le quali l’interior design diventa un mezzo di espressione personale.
Viene pubblicata semestralmente, affiancata da numerosi libri che approfondiscono specifiche tematiche o artisti del panorama contemporaneo.
Questo progetto è una risorsa per chi è appassionato di fotografia, spazi di vita e design, è in verità la celebrazione della vera bellezza degli oggetti e degli spazi nel mondo.